All workers and youth must fight anti-immigrant racism

Smash racist deportations, working people have no nations!
Las luchas obreras no tienen fronteras!

While immigration has always been a life and death struggle for the world's workers, over the past few years the US bosses have made immigration reform a major issue. Currently, it is uncertain whether any immigration legislation will see continued debate until after the 2008 presidential election circus. However, workers and youth cannot afford to have any illusions about the racist legislation being brought to the table by both conservatives and liberals. There is no "lesser evil" when it comes to these bills. All current immigration "reform" proposals represent one side or another of the same racist, capitalist coin.

Racism has always been the cutting edge of the capitalist attack on the working class all over the world, since the conquest of the Americas and black slavery to the immigration "debates" of today. It keeps wages down and workers fighting each other for breadcrumbs. And this isn't all just in the US--in France, anti-immigrant raids and violence are sky-rocketing; the economies of Germany, Spain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and many other countries rely heavily on super-exploited "guest worker" immigrants to perform everything from menial house keeping jobs to back-breaking agricultural and industrial slave-labor. The racist bills and deportations, anti-Muslim round-ups, Minuteklan thugs, and the mass murder of immigrants on the US-Mexico border are just one manifestation of increasing anti-worker fascism around the globe.

The various immigration "reform" bills don't represent the interests of any workers, "American" or "immigrant"--only the financial and military interests of different sections of the US ruling class. Republican legislation represents the openly racist capitalists whose investments are primarily national. The liberals' proposals, like the McCain-Kennedy bill, represent the liberal racist bosses who have trillions invested abroad and a worldwide empire to rule.

But this empire is in serious trouble. As shown by Iraq, US imperialists are losing their grip on Middle Eastern oil, the lifeblood that has propped up their domination of the world for the last 40 years, both economically and militarily. Also, rival imperialists in China, Europe, Russia and Japan are challenging them for greater market share and control of oil and other strategic resources.

To stem the demise of their blood-soaked empire, the US rulers are preparing for bigger and bigger wars. That's why next year's military budget is $663 billion. But they need more than money and weapons to fight their wars--they need millions of our working class youth to fight and die to keep their profits and empire afloat, and millions more to slave for low wages and no benefits in their war industries.

That's why immigration reform ahs been such a hot issue. With the McCain-Kennedy bill, the DREAM Act, and similar legislation, the liberal US imperialists want to win immigrant workers and their 3.5 million American-born children to show their "gratitude" for this country. How? By "patriotically" working under racist conditions and joining the military to kill, and be killed by, their working-class brothers and sisters in other countries to protect the profits of the rich.

We the working class--workers, students and soldiers, "immigrants" and "citizens" the world over--have no stake in the imperialists' genocidal wars, or their source: capitalist exploitation. We, and only we, who produce all value, have the power to change the world--not by voting for capitalist politicians, or supporting one racist law over another, but by organizing. Organizing workers in the factories, students in the schools and soldiers in the bosses' armies; uniting women and men, black, white, Latino, Arab, Asian and workers of all "race" to smash the racist profit system with communist revolution.

The bosses hate communism and tell us that it was a "failure" from Russia to China. But the real failure is capitalism, the murderous economic system that continues to enslave workers and youth around the world. Communism--a system that has never before existed--will eliminate these bosses, along with their racism, sexism, wages, markets, and profit wars. Then we will share the fruits of our labor, giving from each according to our commitment, to each according to our need.

Under communism, their will be no nations, borders or races to divide us. The capitalists, in their schools and media, will tell you it's only a dream. But we already know that for billions of workers everywhere, capitalism is worse than a dream--it's a nightmare! We owe it to ourselves, our forbearers and our children to fight for a world far better than this one. You're already part of the strongest army in the world: the giant red army of the international working class. Join your brothers and sisters around the world in Progressive Labor Party and fight for communist revolution! Help us make that better world a reality!


